Holistic Health
Aprovecha la sabiduría de tu
No se trata de ser perfecto...
Seamos realistas: la vida puede ser bastante caótica.
Pero en medio de todo esto, creo que todos tenemos el poder de curarnos dentro de nosotros mismos.
Encontrar el equilibrio en nuestra vida cotidiana puede ser todo un reto, tenemos tanto que afrontar en un mundo acelerado que no le da a nuestra mente y a nuestro cuerpo el descanso que necesitan para descansar y repararse. Parece que podemos soportarlo todo hasta que, de repente, aparecen los síntomas, por nombrar solo algunos:
Ya sea que esté viviendo con una condición específica, experimentando síntomas que están obstaculizando su calidad de vida o simplemente quiera abrazar el yo más completo y vital que sabe que está dentro pero que permanece latente debido a la vida y todo lo que nos trae, estaré encantado de capacitarlo para encontrar las claves para su propia salud.
Hélène Klingler
Encantado de conocerte,
Helping others to feel better was always a strong component in my life.
During the pandemic a life shift happened and after a career in marketing I decided to change paths: I loved the idea of the body and mind connection, how both work intertwined, and the importance of food to nourish the soul.
I then embarked on a 3-year course diploma in nutritional therapy with the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM), working alongside as a care professional in the community, where I would witness day-to-day life of women and men living with different health conditions, terminal illnesses, and got a deep insight to what wellbeing really meant.
I really enjoy food and endlessly find delight in plump pumpkins, freshly picked carrots or a friendly broccoli, the smell of cut lemons or the invigorating scent of crushed cardamom.
From having lived in France and Spain I have seen the values of their cuisine and the wisdom of the traditional way of eating, which we are loosing with the habit of buying pre-made, processed, to fit our faster/ever more productive lives.
I’m just thrilled to be meeting you in whatever path of life you are at this moment, to start this journey together and empower you in your everyday life. Based on evidence-based research, my own training and life experiences my mission is to ensure you get new knowledge about how your own body works, sweep away myths , understand what lifts your body and mind and what on the other hand will pull you down and rob you from your full potential.

The nutritional way
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